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Waldorf Mermaid Archetype Study for Middle/High School


In this unique independent study semester course, we will dive deep into the world of the archetypal mermaid in tales from around the world. Wonderful for public or private school students. Homeschoolers and unschoolers welcome! Welcome to Ms. Jodi's Classroom! Enter the world of Waldorf education, gifting your child with a relaxed, beautiful space to grow in reading analysis while receiving an elite private school education at home! Dive with me into the archetypal mermaid found in tales around the world in this 8 week semester class. We will read mermaid tales and myths (and even a graphic novel), create drawings/colorings, answer journal prompts, write a short story and explore some underwater treasures (shells and pearls). In the Waldorf curriculum myths and legends from other cultures run deep and these explorations stem from my own ocean studies and journeys. Students will will be given an instructional video where Ms. Jodi will go over the assignments for each week. You will have immediate access to all course materials after purchase. This course allows students to access the videos whenever it is convenient for them even when traveling or in a different time zone. This is an independent study self-paced course that students can take their time on.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.




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